Sorry it's been so long since I've posted; it's just that nothing has been going on. Last weekend we went and got the paint for the baby's room, and Josh and my mom painted. Even though we got zero-VOC paint and primer, there were some VOCs in the paint from the tint, and there was a bit of a paint-y smell. So I stayed away. Then this past weekend, Josh finished up by painting the trim, the dresser, and a few other details. Here's a shot of him hard at work yesterday.
While Josh was slaving away this weekend, I was shopping in Appleton with my friend Ruth. We were very successful. I'm feeling a little guilty; I didn't do any Christmas shopping, I just bought clothes for myself. I really needed them though. I only had about two sweaters nice enough to wear to work, and my office is freezing! I also got some maternity clothes: a pair of work pants, a work skirt and a sweater. Oh, and a nursing bra. That's probably about all I'll need because my friend Kim totally hooked me up. She has two kids, isn't having any more, is about my size, and she gave me all her maternity clothes. Did she ever have the maternity clothes! When I get to the point where I have to wear them, my wardrobe will be bigger than it is now! There must've been 15 pairs of pants in the boxes she gave me. I'm very grateful to her for that; it's going to save me a lot of money. I certainly won't be needing those clothes any time soon though. I still haven't gained any weight. Well, I may have gained 2 pounds or so, but I swear it's just from all the eating I've been doing!
I realized I might've jumped the gun a little with saying I was on the second trimester in the last post. I guess I assumed week 12 was considered the second trimester because there are about 4 weeks in a month. However, according to my book and the babycenter website, week 14 is actually the start of that milestone. I guess they don't count those first two weeks of pregnancy, when you're not actually pregnant yet, even though they count them in the week count. Whatever. Anyway, I'm now there, for sure, and the baby is the size of a lemon.
I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving - I'll be seeing many of you soon!